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China's stone flour processing equipment, after years of rapid development, is constantly improving and improving all aspects of the function, to meet the market demand. At the same time, today's stone flour processing equipment can process more and more materials, but if you want to make a difference in coarse grain processing, there is still a lot of way to go, need to stone flour processing equipment manufacturers continue to work hard.
Because with the improvement of people's living standards, ordinary white flour has been unable to meet people's demand for processed food materials, the value of coarse grain has been re valued. As we all know, China is a big consumer country with 1.3 billion yuan. Once the demand for coarse grain deep processing is stimulated, the market prospect will be very huge. So how to meet the huge domestic market demand, a useful way is to encourage the development of coarse grain processing industry, encourage the technical research and development and manufacturing of stone flour processing equipment.
Stone mill flour processing equipment makes full use of raw grain, improves product purity and product yield, gives full play to efficiency, reduces power consumption and reduces production cost. Ensure the production stability and flow balance of automatic grinding flour equipment, and fully consider the possible temporary faults in production, so as not to affect the production of the whole plant. According to the requirements of raw grain quality and finished products, we should actively adopt mature advanced technology, experience and equipment to make the production process continuous and mechanized.
The development of each industry is inseparable from the improvement of the production level of the industry. Stone flour processing equipment is the main production equipment of stone flour. Its coarse grain flour provides rich food raw materials for food processing and daily use. As the traditional production process is relatively backward, manual production of coarse grain flour is not only expensive, but also inefficient, which can not meet the market demand, and also affects the development of stone flour industry.
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