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Today's stone flour mill is widely used in flour processing industry, adding varieties to our diet. However, in order to achieve more use value of agricultural products, manufacturers still need to further improve the technology of the equipment and broaden the scope of use of the machine, so how to do it?
石磨面粉机可以加工的范围比较广,加工好的农产品可以再次进行深加工,摆脱原本单 的加工模式,想要提高面粉机加工效率,可以从石磨面粉机的广度和深度出发:
The range of flour milling machine can process is wide. The processed agricultural products can be further processed to get rid of the original single processing mode. In order to improve the efficiency of flour milling machine, we can start from the breadth and depth of flour milling machine
First of all, improve the processing depth of the stone flour machine. After processing the stone flour, the manufacturer can further process high-quality flour on the basis of raw materials, change the direction of production, so as to increase the efficiency. While improving the flour rate, carry out deep processing, extend the product chain of the stone flour machine, and improve the utilization value of wheat.
Secondly, increase the range of stone flour processing. It not only can process wheat, but also can be used to process mung bean, corn, soybean, buckwheat, oats and other crops, promote the comprehensive processing effect of agricultural products, which can effectively improve the comprehensive utilization degree of stone mill flour machine.
The above is the flour and stone mill for you to introduce the content, I hope to help you. For more highlights, please pay attention to: http://www.zysmcn.com
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