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Stone mill tofu machine processing tofu is a kind of green, healthy, high nutritional value green food produced by the combination of modern technology and traditional technology. In the past, the stone mill tofu was made by people or animals as the power to drive the stone mill to rotate, while the production process of modern stone mill tofu machine is combined with the machine. The machine generates power to drive the stone mill, saving time and improving efficiency. So how to store tofu?
Boxed tofu is easy to keep, but it must be refrigerated to ensure that it will not rot during the shelf life. If it can't be eaten at one time, it can be cut and used according to the required amount, and the rest can be put back into the freezer for the next time.
Tofu, as a kind of food with both food and medicine, has many functions, such as Tonifying Qi, tonifying deficiency and so on. Generally, the calcium content of 100g tofu is 140mg-160mg. Tofu is a plant food with high protein content. It contains 8 kinds of essential amino acids for human body. It also contains unsaturated fatty acids and lecithin which animal food lacks. Therefore, often eat tofu can protect the liver, promote metabolism, enhance immunity and detoxification.
The deficiency of tofu is that it contains soybean protein which lacks an essential amino acid - egg yolk acid. If it is eaten alone, the utilization rate of protein is low. For example, if it is combined with some other foods, the egg amino acid which is missing in soybean protein can be supplemented, so that the proportion of the whole amino acid tends to be balanced, and the human body can fully absorb and utilize the protein in tofu. The methionine content in egg and meat protein is high, so tofu should be mixed with this kind of food, such as fried eggs with tofu, tofu with minced meat, tofu with sliced meat, etc. In this way, the utilization rate of protein in tofu can be improved.
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