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石磨豆浆机是利用石头制作而成的一种豆浆机,制作出来的豆浆比较鲜美,是现代生活中非常提倡的一种天然豆浆机。The stone mill soybean

The stone mill soybean milk machine is a kind of soybean milk machine made of stone. The produced soybean milk is delicious, which is a kind of natural soybean milk machine advocated in modern life.
The soybean milk grinded by the stone mill is very delicious, containing a variety of trace elements needed by the human body. It is a healthy product of modern life, and its production process is a kind of nutritious soybean milk grinded by the stone mill. Its soybean milk can release protein evenly, and contains a variety of trace elements. It not only has a very good taste, but also has a good taste Rich nutrition, is a modern very healthy soybean milk machine.
Preparation method of soybean milk with stone mill
1. Raw material treatment. Remove the shell and sieve the soybean, wash it and soak it in the water tank. Soak it for 6 hours in winter and 3 hours in summer. Soaking time must be controlled well, not too long, otherwise the loss of pulp head, can not make tofu.
2. Grind Soybean milk. After the soybean is soaked, the soybean is submerged by water. Grind the soybean milk with a stone mill. Gradually add soybean and water to the stone mill. Do not put too much until the grinding is finished.
3. Make soybean milk. Boil water according to the ratio of 6kg water per kilogram of soybeans. After boiling the water, flush it into the ground soymilk. During the flushing process, stir and flush at the same time to make the flushing uniform.


4. Filter soybean milk. Use the bag (made of beancurd cloth) to pack the slurry, pinch the mouth of the bag, and squeeze out the soybean milk. After the soybean milk is pressed, the bag may be opened, and then add 3 kg of water, mix well, and continue to press once. Generally, 15kg of 10 kg soybean dregs and 60kg of soybean milk are produced. Don't let bean curd dregs mix into soybean milk when squeezing
5. Boil soybean milk. Put the filtered soybean milk in the pot and boil it. If you like to drink sweet, you can add some sugar.
1. Mechanical stone grinding processing, more convenient and fast, a person can operate, save time and effort.
2. The taste is authentic, with the natural flavor of soybean, fresh and authentic taste.
3. More convenient, and actually made of stone, has a certain degree of original performance and aesthetic performance.
The above is the soybean milk stone mill http://www.zysmcn.com Thank you for checking our company's information in your busy schedule. If you want to know more, you are welcome to inquire!
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