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1、原料:1 Raw materials:小麦由麦胚、胚乳、麦皮三部分组成。各部分按重量所占的百分比为:胚乳82~85%,胚2~3%,麦皮12~14%。胚乳

1. Raw materials:
Wheat consists of wheat embryo, endosperm and wheat husk. The weight percentage of each part was 82-85% of endosperm, 2-3% of embryo and 12-14% of wheat husk. Endosperm contains a lot of starch and gluten which is partly composed of protein. It is the main raw material for making bread, cakes and other foods. Wheat bran is rich in dietary fiber, which is an essential nutrient for human body.
2. Cleaning:
It is mainly used to clean up the straw, sand, stone, damaged wheat, fluff and weeds seeds in wheat, which affect the flour yield.
3. Water regulation:
Due to the different water content and physical characteristics of wheat in different varieties and regions, some are dry and hard, some are wet and soft. After cleaning, water must be adjusted to achieve the optimum moisture content. The purpose of water regulation is: 1) to make wheat absorb a certain amount of water, and the protein and starch in endosperm are displaced due to different water absorption speed. The endosperm is loose and easy to crush. ② Make the epidermis absorb water and toughen, not easy to break when grinding. So as not to affect the powder quality. ③ The process is stable.
4. Moistening wheat: (moistening wheat after being watered or washed and stored for a period of time)
The wheat stored for a period of time after watering is mainly for the purpose of water infiltration into wheat grains, at the same time to make the moisture between wheat grains uniform, so that the wheat grain cortex and endosperm are easy to separate, and easy to grind, while the wheat bran is not broken due to the increase of toughness, which provides conditions for the whole process to be good and stable, and the moisture content of the finished product to meet the standard. Due to different weather, region and wheat varieties, the moistening time is generally 12-30 hours, and the optimum moisture content of ground wheat is 13-14.5%. The moistening time and water content of hard wheat are generally higher than that of soft wheat.
5. Grinding and sieving of stone mill
Stone grinding is a hard and repeated work, which needs grinding, sieving and cycling.
石磨磨面不同于现代化机械磨面。石磨磨粉的特点就是低速低温研磨,避免高速旋转产生的高温而破坏面粉含有的营养物质,地保留了小麦中的蛋白质、面筋质、胡萝卜素、碳水化合物、钙、磷、铁、维生素B1、B2等各种营养物质,石磨本身含有的矿物质与原料自然摩擦,矿物质元素与原料的营养物质天然混合,浑然一体。石磨面粉保留了小麦的原汁原味,用石磨面粉制作的各种面食口感柔韧、麦香浓郁、营养价值更高,是真正天然绿色的健康食品 。
It is different from modern grinding machine. The biggest feature of stone mill is low-speed and low-temperature grinding, which can avoid the high temperature caused by high-speed rotation and destroy the nutrients contained in flour. It can retain the protein, gluten, carotene, carbohydrate, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin B1, B2 and other nutrients in wheat to the greatest extent. The minerals contained in stone mill itself are naturally rubbed with raw materials, and the mineral elements are separated from the raw materials The nutrients of raw materials are naturally mixed and integrated. Stone flour retains the original flavor of wheat. All kinds of pasta made of stone flour have flexible taste, rich wheat flavor and higher nutritional value. They are really natural and green health food.
6. Air drying:
Stone flour is low-speed grinding, the flour contains low water consumption, and do not add any additives, so the production of flour need to dry, so that the moisture is reduced, easy to store.
Thank you for reading this article. Source: sesame paste mill. For more information and questions, please click: http://www.zysmcn.com We will continue to work hard to provide services for you, thank you for your support!
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