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  The application of flour stone mill can be said to have good effect. For the processing of wheat and other materials, of course, because of the characteristics of the material itself in the processing process, it will cause a very messy and dirty situation around, so it needs to be cleaned up. So here are two cleaning methods.
  Dry cleaning process. Dry cleaning process of flour stone mill mainly includes screening, stone removal, screening, threshing, air separation and magnetic separation. Wheat surface cleaning is mainly done by threshing equipment, in which a special water regulation process is set up, which is a commonly used cleaning method at present.
  Wet cleaning process. The wet digestion process of flour and stone mill includes screening, screening, magnetic separation, wheat washing and other processes. The process of wheat processing with flour and stone mill is called wet washing process. Flour stone mill has surface cleaning, stone removal, water filling and other functions, which can simplify the process and reduce investment. However, due to the high water consumption, environmental pollution and difficult control of falling precision, wet cleaning is seldom used.
  In addition, in the process of cleaning, the use of flour stone mill to treat the wheat surface is called the peeling cleaning process. The flour stone mill cleans the surface of wheat and crushes all kinds of impurities with lower strength than wheat, which is beneficial to water diversion. But because the cortex of wheat is more broken after grinding, peeling is fragile when grinding, which affects the yield of good flour, so it is seldom used at present.
  In the cleaning process of flour and stone mill, the continuity of the process should be guaranteed, and the equipment with matching output and reasonable technical parameters should be selected according to the requirements of technological design. Reduce consumption, save investment, combined with plant construction, to achieve a reasonable layout, as far as possible to reduce material transport links. Protect the environment, ensure production safety, ensure labor health.
  How about dry and wet cleaning of flour stone mill? The above is the relevant answer to the problem, of course, or according to your actual needs to choose the corresponding appropriate cleaning method, more information you can come to the website www.zysmcn.com to see!
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