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Flour quality and nutritional value are closely related to the processing process of stone mill flour equipment. The flour ground by stone mill flour equipment at low temperature and low speed is more uniform and delicate, completely retains the nutrients in wheat, and allows everyone to eat nutritious flour products. However, the flour you want to produce is not only related to the quality of the equipment itself, but also needs to reasonably operate the flour processing machinery to produce fine flour. What are the direct factors that determine the flour quality of stone mill flour equipment?
First of all, the gap between the rollers is large, and the flour particles produced in this way are also larger, with strong flavor. It is a kind of original ecological flour; If the gap between the rollers is small, the processed flour particles are small, and some nutrients are destroyed and disappeared under the action of mechanical force and high temperature, such as carotene. Secondly, in order to improve the flour yield of stone mill flour machinery, some manufacturers will press the rolling distance of grinding roller and force flour output.
The temperature of the grinding roller is too high to form gluten. Such flour has poor flexibility and brittle flour products. During the processing of flour products, bran will pierce the micro air chamber in the dough, resulting in the collapse of the dough, commonly known as dead noodles, which greatly affects the taste. This will affect the reputation of flour mills, so flour production still needs to be carried out in accordance with the production specifications of stone flour machinery.
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